In the summer of 1975 I got a job in a factory that made cardboard Halloween skeletons. My job was to rivet the legs and arms onto the skeletal torso. As the parts came down a conveyor belt, I would grab them furtively and rivet. Then an arm and then a leg and then an […]
Entries Tagged as 'Disposability'
The seamy underbelly of Halloween decor
October 12th, 2013 · No Comments · Consumer Issues, Decoration Industry, Disposability, Excess of Possessions, Manufacturing
Tags:cheaply made goods·decorations·environmental toxins·Halloween·Halloween skeletons·holiday decorations·non-recyclables·party products·polystyrene·saving stuff·seasonal decorations·Styrofoam·too much stuff·toxic waste
The daily deluge of coffee cups into the landfills
August 25th, 2013 · 2 Comments · Consumer Issues, Disposability, Recycling, Take-out containers, Trash Disposal
I just got back from a trip. In the airport on the way out of town we got drinks at a Coffee People. Then I had to throw away the cup. Ow! I could hardly do it. But they’re not eligible for reincarnation, so I had to. The rule of thumb is that anything that can […]
Tags:coffee cups·disposable coffee mugs·paper cups·take-out food containers·waste disposal
Bad News for Rigid Plastics: China sings the Elvis song.
August 1st, 2013 · No Comments · Disposability, Manufacturing, Recycling, Trash Disposal
She wrote upon it: Return to sender. Address unknown. No such number. No such zone. China’s mad. Yes, China — the one who buys most of the world’s discarded plastics so that we can buy fright-loads of manufactured plastic doodads back from them — has had it. Reason? They’ve been getting boat-loads of plastic with […]
Tags:cheaply made goods·China·China buys plastics·garbage problem·landfill·plastics·recycling·rigid plastics·waste disposal
A new look at rechargeable batteries?
July 11th, 2013 · No Comments · Batteries, Disposability, Toxic Waste
Like everyone, I had my little love affair with rechargeable batteries. I had two sets for my camera, and a recharger that I plugged in overnight so I’d always have one set at the ready. It was great at first. The next morning those batteries would be all a-glow, ready to take on the world. […]
Tags:batteries·environmental toxins·garbage problem·landfill·rechargeable·rechargeable batteries·toxic waste
What to do with spent batteries
July 8th, 2013 · No Comments · Batteries, Disposability, Toxic Waste, Trash Disposal
Do you know someone who tosses used batteries back into the drawer with the NEW batteries? What’s up with this sick habit? I can explain. But first, let me complain. The next person, naturally assuming the batteries pulled from the new-battery-drawer to be new, finds that the appliance still doesn’t work and starts down a […]
Tags:batteries·garbage problem·landfill·toxic waste·waste disposal
Where to get rid of Styrofoam blocks in Portland
June 13th, 2013 · 4 Comments · Disposability, Packaging, Polystyrene, Recycling, Trash Disposal
I have to admit I’ve been feeling somewhat holy about going to the trouble of schlepping our huge Styrofoam blocks out to one of the only two places in Portland that will take them. I feel less holy after what I’ve just found out. …. which I’ll tell you about in a minute. But first […]
Tags:cheaply made goods·garbage problem·landfill·non-recyclables·packaging·polystyrene·recycling·Styrofoam·throwing stuff out·waste disposal·wasteful packaging
Why we don’t want to be inhaling or swallowing Styrofoam
June 10th, 2013 · No Comments · brain theory, Consumer Issues, Disposability, Trash Disposal
It’s not rocket surgery. All you have to do is watch the surface of any hot liquid in one of those Styrofoam cups to see it forming a slick on your drink. When every cell in my body goes “Ew!” I pay attention. I may not be a scientist, but my body knows a few […]
Tags:disposable·disposable food containers·food containers·garbage problem·landfill·non-recyclable food containers·non-recyclables·polystyrene·Styrofoam·Styrofoam food containers·take-out food containers·throwing stuff out
We’re all eating Styrofoam
June 6th, 2013 · No Comments · Consumer Issues, Decluttering, Disposability, Packaging, Polystyrene
See the big blocks of Styrofoam cluttering up your garage or basement. Does the thought of taking a big bite out of one of them repulse you? Surprise! — we’re already essentially doing that. Styrofoam, a brand name for polystyrene, takes 500 years to decompose. When we throw it away, it doesn’t break down in […]
Tags:environment·environmental toxins·excessive packaging·garbage problem·making a difference·packaging·polystyrene·Styrofoam·toxic·toxic materials
Collectivitis combined with the ecological mindset
March 18th, 2013 · 1 Comment · Collecting, Consumer Issues, Disposability, Philosophy, The Packrat Mind, Trash Disposal
You might think it’s dumb that I write about things like pen caps and sock hangers — but that would mean you were missing my larger purpose. My assignment (call it a compulsion if you must) is to scrutinize each and every little item and ask the big questions — go all the way back […]
Tags:cheaply made goods·collecting·collectivitis·disposability·garbage problem·landfill·packrat mentality·throwing stuff out·too much stuff·waste·waste disposal