Exploring what life could be like if we weren’t buried in clutter, burdened with too many possessions, and surrounded by chaos.

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Entries from May 29th, 2013

Grandma: not so crazy after all

May 29th, 2013 · No Comments · Excess of Possessions, Hoarding, Re-using, The Packrat Mind

In the Depression years, our grandparents saw need all around them, and probably found constant satisfaction in having saved just the right thing. In the last few years of my grandmother’s life, we sent for the items she pined for in the storage unit in New Mexico so that she could at last be reunited […]



Great Depression still blamed for Depressing Amounts of Junk

May 23rd, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Raise your hand if your grandparents’ hoardish habits were excused by the fact that “They grew up during the Depression, honey. They had to save every piece of string and scrap of cloth.” That was the reason given for why Grandma traveled with enough supplies to outfit a refugee camp, why she cleaned the plane […]



Where to take clothes too old and worn to give away

May 16th, 2013 · No Comments · Cloth, Clothing & Apparel, Re-using

Yes, of course we give our slightly used clothes to the thrift shops, but MY old clothes have had a very thorough life. I only wear clothes that I love, and after many mendings they are eventually pronounced dead by a certain person who is really tired of looking at them, and mending them. And […]



What about the problem of too many clothes?

May 10th, 2013 · No Comments · brain theory, Consumer Issues

Uh oh. I may have just come up against the limitations of my decluttering blog. I actually don’t have this problem, so I don’t know if I can be of any help in this area. I could tell you that I keep my wardrobe under control by being frugal and organized, and claim to be all zen […]



Spontaneous Post-Carnage Shrines: Dead flowers and wet teddy bears

May 2nd, 2013 · No Comments · Decluttering, Disposability

I’ve become so obsessed with the waste stream that even in the midst of tragedies, my mind goes to to the garbage issues. By now the explosion debris at the Boston Marathon has been cleaned up, but I always wonder: what about these mountainous offerings of flowers and stuffed animals that accumulate in the outpouring […]

