Exploring what life could be like if we weren’t buried in clutter, burdened with too many possessions, and surrounded by chaos.

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Is your plastic rejected by curbside trash collectors? Don’t worry, it’s not about you.

March 12th, 2014 · No Comments · Plastics Recycling, Recycling, Trash Disposal

As we learned in my last post, if the recycling plant can’t sell it, they don’t want it. Why would they? So if they’re saying “NO, we don’t take x, y, and z,” it’s not because they’re being uncooperative. It’s because there’s no stable market for it. Key word: stable. They can’t take a plastic for a few months and then change their minds — think about how that would confuse the public! So if there’s an off-and-on market, curbside collection isn’t interested.

Which brings us back to our question: “What can I do with my kid’s BigWheel that I ran over with my SUV?” Welp, you’re probably going to have to put that in the plain old Garbage.

 But wait!

 Just to make sure, call Portland Metro’s Recycling Information Hotline: 503-234-3000.

(I’ve got two phone numbers memorized — theirs and my mother’s.)

They have one of the only human-staffed phones left on the planet! (as well as a website ), where you can find out where to take non-curbside recyclables in the Portland Metro area. Brilliant people. No item too obscure. You call up and say, “hey I have a plastic jello brain-mold I’m no longer using,” and they’ll give you several local places you can take that thing to and dispose of it guilt-free!

(I guess this doesn’t help people who don’t live in Portland, Oregon. I hope you have — or will have some day soon — something similar in your town.)

Plastics are a bear. The ifs, ands or buts are bewildering.

Next: Sometimes it’s the SHAPE of it that’s the problem; and other important trivia that’ll help you understand.

Graduate-PlasticsMeanwhile, here’s that scene from The Graduate — in 1967. Don’t feel bad. Ben was confused about plastics too. And that was before anyone even though of recycling it.

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