Exploring what life could be like if we weren’t buried in clutter, burdened with too many possessions, and surrounded by chaos.

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Entries from August 25th, 2013

The daily deluge of coffee cups into the landfills

August 25th, 2013 · 2 Comments · Consumer Issues, Disposability, Recycling, Take-out containers, Trash Disposal

I just got back from a trip. In the airport on the way out of town we got drinks at a Coffee People. Then I had to throw away the cup. Ow! I could hardly do it. But they’re not eligible for reincarnation, so I had to. The rule of thumb is that anything that can […]



Bad News for Rigid Plastics: China sings the Elvis song.

August 1st, 2013 · No Comments · Disposability, Manufacturing, Recycling, Trash Disposal

She wrote upon it: Return to sender. Address unknown. No such number. No such zone. China’s mad. Yes, China — the one who buys most of the world’s discarded plastics so that we can buy fright-loads of manufactured plastic doodads back from them — has had it. Reason? They’ve been getting boat-loads of plastic with […]

