Ever feel like you’re not being told the whole story? Well you’re not. And you should be grateful for it, because the whole story is way too complicated. You’d hate it.
The PR of recycling knows that if you overload people with information they didn’t really care about in the first place, you risk having them shut down completely.
One time I needed to buy tires for my car, and the tire guy gave me so much information about tires that I felt I’d have to go get a master’s degree in tires before I could possibly make the right decision. So I put off buying them, and then since the master’s degree in tires didn’t work out, I never did buy any. I went along my merry way and happily reverted back to thinking that tires were circles made of black rubber. My brain was relieved and life was easy again.
The recycling PR people know that if they do it wrong, the public could revert back to thinking that garbage is something you put into a garbage can and forget about. However, some of the public, such as the writer and readers of this blog, are are a little more curious than average, and have questions they want answered.
Here is one of them: Tub lids. If you can put the tubs into the curbside recycling, why the H-E-double-hockey-sticks can’t you put the lids in?
I’ll explain in my next post.
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