In our neighborhood (and perhaps in the country at large), a custom has developed whereby when you no longer want an item, you simply put it out on your parking strip and it’s gone within a few hours. You don’t even need to put up a “free” sign, it’s understood that it’s up for grabs. […]
Entries Tagged as 'old furniture'
Photo essay of junk that went bye-bye
January 3rd, 2013 · 1 Comment · Excess of Possessions, Passing it on, Recycling
As promised, here are the exciting photos of what I extracted from my home during the month of December. As you look at each one, think about the amount of cubic space freed up by the removal of that much stuff. Here’s an ironing board (a 1920s one for midgets, replaced by a taller one); […]
Inching up to the new year
December 28th, 2012 · No Comments · Decluttering, Excess of Possessions, Trash Disposal
……and we all know that means: Time for “Throw out the old year, make way for the new!” In the 70s, in Naples, Italy — a city of three to four storey apartment buildings built up around the ancient villas and castles — throwing out the old year was taken as seriously as throwing that […]
Tags:getting rid of stuff·Italy·Naples·New Year·old furniture·ratty·safety·survival